Teacher Details



Teacher's Details Informations :

Teacher Details
Teacher's ID : 1130 Gadget Serial No
Teacher's Name : Md. Rahmot Ali
Father's Name : Md. Solaiman Maishan
Mother's Name : Rima Akther
Spouse Name :
Birth Date : 06-08-1994
Current Age : 30 Years, 2 Months and 2 Days.
Religion :
Gender : Male
Blood Group : O+
Marital Status :
Designation : Lecturer
Subject :
Phone Number : 01683471415
National Id :
Passport No :
E-mail ID :
Year Of Experience : 1 Years, 0 Months and 4 Days.
First Joining Date : 04-SEP-2023
Joining Date In This School : 04-SEP-2023
Teacher Scale : : N/A
Scale Date : :
MPO Status : No
MPO Date :
Is Taken Any Training : No
Mailing Address (Present) :
Permanent Address :
More Details :